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Author Topic: Resisting Brainwashing Propaganda  (Read 25454 times)

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Re: Resisting Brainwashing Propaganda
« Reply #15 on: July 14, 2015, 06:19:25 pm »
Agelbert NOTE: Articles like this should be shouted from the roof tops, all over the USA, and on a daily basis, until the Empathy Deficit Disordered Greed Balls running this country into the ground extract their heads from their profit over people and planet addicted asses.

There are 45 million Americans struggling to survive just like me.

Being stuck in poverty isn't about morals or character. It isn't about family structure or some "culture" of poverty. And it certainly isn't about being lazy or stupid. Most poor people are smart, hard-working, decent, kind, compassionate people. They are creative and innovative in solving their problems and creating beauty and ritual in their lives. They care for their children, disabled, and seniors with tenderness and love; they play music and write poetry and make art.

They put up with a lot of bullsh it from the public on a daily basis at their crappy low-wage jobs, but keep on smiling and telling you to have a great day. They take a lot of Advil and supplements in order to make up for the fact that they have little to no health care. They die sooner because of their struggle; even sooner if they live under Republican rule.

I especially appreciated the Kossacks who shared their personal stories of picking up and leaving with the hope of a better future. They let me know that the problem isn't in me; I'm not defective. It's not that I lack ability or intelligence or drive, it's the system here that is broken, shutting me out at every turn, keeping me down.

Sun Jul 12, 2015 at 12:09 PM PDT.

Why I'm Leaving the South

by RationalSouthCarolina


He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. Matt 10:37


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