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Mechanisms of Prejudice: Hidden and Not Hidden
« on: November 15, 2013, 07:17:18 pm »
Bigots Are Generally Untrustworthy

The mind of a bigot is like the pupil of the eye. The more light you shine on it, the more it will contract.

Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.

He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. Matt 10:37


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The Hidden Mechanisms of Prejudice: Implicit Bias & Interpersonal Fluency by Alex Madva

This dissertation is about prejudice. In particular, it examines the theoretical and ethical questions raised by research on implicit social biases. Social biases are termed “implicit” when they are not reported, though they lie just beneath the surface of consciousness.
Such biases are easy to adopt but very difficult to introspect and control.

Despite this difficulty, I argue that we are personally responsible for our biases and obligated to overcome them if they can bring harm to ourselves or to others.

My dissertation addresses the terms of their removal. It is grounded in a comprehensive examination of empirical research and, as such, is a contribution to social psychology. Although implicit social biases significantly influence our judgment and action, they are not reducible to beliefs or desires. Rather, they constitute a class of their own.

Understanding their particular character is vital to determining how to replace them with more
preferable habits of mind. I argue for a model of interpersonal fluency, a kind of ethical
expertise that
requires transforming our underlying dispositions of thought, feeling, and action

The associations in our heads belong to us… The selves that we are and the selves we intend tobe are both us, and sometimes they do not agree. One might say that humans are large, containing multitudes. Full recognition of this fact raises serious questions for important issues of responsibility, culpability, and intentionality.
~ Brian Nosek and Robert Hansen (2008, 553, 591)

A 2004 study found that, after attending an all-women’s college for one year, female
undergraduates’ implicit attitudes regarding gender and leadership qualities were completely

Beforehand, participants were quicker to associate female names like “Emily” with
attributes stereotypical of female leaders, like “nurturing,” whereas they were quicker to
associate male names like “Greg” with attributes stereotypical of male leaders, like “assertive.”

After one year, these implicit biases vanished; they were no more likely to associate “Emily”
with nurturance than with assertiveness. The same study also found that attending a coed
university had the opposite effect on female undergraduates.

After one year, they were even more likely to associate “Greg” with assertiveness. What accounts for the difference? The mediating factor was not, the evidence suggests, a supportive or encouraging atmosphere. The difference evidently boiled down to the total number of classes that students had taken with female math and science professors, that is, with female professors in historically maledominated fields.

In fact, a closer look at the data showed that this was true regardless of which institution they attended. What’s just as striking is the fact that neither group showed any changes in their reflective, self-reported beliefs about women, nurturance, and leadership.

Before as well as after, at both schools, participants consistently claimed that women possess more supportive qualities than leadership ones.  :( ???

This first part is about gender roles. Wait until we get to judging (i.e. "pre"  ;)) the level of threat in the behavior of same or other races (hint: the behavior, look, stance, clothing, etc. doesn't have BEANS to do with it and RACE has EVERYTHING to do with it.).

Those "parent tapes" are hard to MODIFY, aren't they?  
He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. Matt 10:37


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Implicit attitudes are studied indirectly, most commonly by measures like the Implicit Association Test (IAT), which tests how quickly individuals associate pairs of items, such as male and female names with leadership traits.2 Implicit attitudes contrast with explicit attitudes, which are paradigmatically expressed in individuals’ reflective judgments and self-reported commitments.

How are we to understand cases such as these in which our automatic, intuitive responses come apart from our considered commitments?

The 2004 study is particularly striking in that the automatic, virtually unconscious tendencies of students in the women’s college seem to have been in some sense getting it right while their reflective judgments persisted in getting it wrong.  :o

Implicit attitudes shape a wide range of pivotal decisions
and actions without our ever realizing it. They influence our judgments about
whom to trust and whom to ignore, whom to promote and whom to imprison. While it would be a mistake to think that implicit attitudes are intrinsically bad or regrettable features of human psychology, our failure to appreciate what they are and how they affect us can cause serious and pervasive harm.

In the paradigmatic cases I consider in this dissertation, the challenge is what to do about the implicit attitudes that get it wrong.

For example,
while fewer and fewer Americans openly avow racist and sexist beliefs, subtle but pervasive forms of disparate treatment on the basis of race and gender persist.

Some researchers have suggested that part of the explanation for this state of affairs is that many Americans have egalitarian explicit attitudes—in that they sincerely embrace anti-racist and antisexist commitments—but nevertheless harbor a range of biased implicit attitudes.

In one study, participants evaluated two hypothetical candidates for a job as chief of police.3 One candidate had extensive “street” experience but little formal education; the other had extensive formal education but little street experience. When the street-smart candidate was male and the book smart candidate was female, participants said that street smarts were the most important criteria for being an effective police chief, and recommended promoting the man.

However, when the street-smart candidate was female and the book-smart candidate was male, participants said book smarts were more important, and, once again, recommended the man.

They unwittingly tailored their judgments about the tools necessary to be a successful police chief to match their gut feeling that the man was better suited than the woman for the job.  :P :o ???

The Hidden Mechanisms of Prejudice: Implicit Bias & Interpersonal Fluency by Alex Madva
He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. Matt 10:37


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Re: Mechanisms of Prejudice: Hidden and Not Hidden
« Reply #3 on: November 18, 2013, 08:35:28 pm »


Peter Z. Scheer: A question is “how should people of color respond to the dying of a civilization that has not been civil to them?”

[audience laughter and applause]

Chris Hedges: Well, I teach every Thursday night at a maximum security prison and I spent significant amounts of time with this book “Days of Destruction, Days of Revolt” in statistically the poorest pockets of the country and the creation of omnipotent police forces, especially in urban areas has set a template. As anyone who knows has spent time in depressed urban areas, police on pretext stops can seize and incarcerate—you only get a few minutes with a public defender—anyone they want. And I find often in the prisons the people with the longest sentences are the people who refused to plea out because they were not guilty. But if you don’t plea out you’re finished; and they know it, the whole system’s rigged.

And one of the reasons that I would hope that those who were in many cities the engine of the Occupy movement, which were primarily underemployed or unemployed college educated kids, would begin to reach out to marginal communities not so much because I think these communities now are so broken and of course such a high dis-proportion of especially African-American men are within the system. Not just in prison but on parole; I mean they have all sorts of ways to cripple your life. I think that we have to make amends to these communities because we …

[audience applause]

… by supporting the Democratic Party, and in particular figures like Clinton, which rammed through the Omnibus bill and created a massive prison industrial complex, destroyed welfare—which as Bob points out 70 percent of the recipients in the old welfare system were children—passed NAFTA. We busied ourselves with a kind of boutique activism, multiculturalism, all of which I support, but at the expense of justice. We forgot about justice. And our poor and our working class were decimated. And what has happened now, there has been a Weimarization of the American working class. What’s happened to the working class is now being visited on the middle class; I mean this is how history works.

So, I think there’s a, for those of us who care about social change, one of the reasons we have to reach out to these communities—and one of the reasons I teach in the prison system—is because we have to make atonement for, in essence, turning our back on these people, while in the name of a kind of faux liberalism a war was made against their very beings.

[audience applause]
« Last Edit: May 04, 2017, 05:49:38 pm by AGelbert »
He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. Matt 10:37


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Re: Mechanisms of Prejudice: Hidden and Not Hidden
« Reply #4 on: November 18, 2013, 08:55:30 pm »
Agelbert NOTE: DeBlasio changed his name from Warren Wilhelm to win an election. He comes from a family with some members in the CIA. He is a bought and paid for Clinton Clone. I don't like him for that reason. However the incredibly racist piece of crap by Cohen that Colbert exposed is worthy of PRAISE!

A Famous Columnist Has Trouble Defining Racism. Colbert Eats Him For Dinner.

Here’s the quote:

“Today’s GOP is not racist, as Harry Belafonte alleged about the tea party, but it is deeply troubled — about the expansion of government, about immigration, about secularism, about the mainstreaming of what used to be the avant-garde. People with conventional views must repress a gag reflex when considering the mayor-elect of New York — a white man married to a black woman and with two biracial children. (Should I mention that Bill de Blasio’s wife, Chirlane McCray, used to be a lesbian?)”

Wait, what?!

Alvin Melathe

Video Here: 

« Last Edit: May 04, 2017, 05:48:21 pm by AGelbert »
He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. Matt 10:37


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Re: Mechanisms of Prejudice: Hidden and Not Hidden
« Reply #5 on: November 18, 2013, 11:50:19 pm »
Rumplestiltskin must have been quite a happy fellow!  ;D
Does a Person’s Name Impact Happiness?

A person’s name might affect his or her happiness, because people who have rare names report higher levels of happiness than those with more common names, research shows. Researchers believe this could be the result of humans’ subconscious desire to be considered unique from others. Research also reveals that people who have common names are likely to rate their names as being more rare than they actually are, a psychology term referred to as the false uniqueness effect.  ;D

More about the impact of names:

•About 20% of parents reported regretting their children’s names, according to one 2013 British study. Common reasons were the difficulty other people had spelling the name or that it was too unusual.

•Boys who have been given names that are traditionally associated with girls have been found to be at a higher risk of disciplinary problems during adolescence,  :o which is thought to be because of self-consciousness from being teased about their names.

•A person who has high self-esteem is more likely to prefer words that contain the same letters as his or her name, especially words that include the first letter of the name.  ;)


Agelbert NOTE: Why is this posted in the "Mechanisms of Prejudice: Hidden and Not Hidden" Board? Because arrogant individuals often have very high (and totally unjustified) self esteem. These people are NOT trustworthy. Their main prejudice is that they lack humility and honestly believe they are more valuable to society than anyone around them. consequently, if the situation is them or you for survival, they will ALWAYS decide for THEM.

Altruism does not exist in these people but they can put on quite a show. The last tidbit from Wisegeek will help you pick up on whether a person has gone overboard in the self esteem department if they happen to be good at disguising their arrogance.

As always, this is just one factor and you need to weigh carefully many other behavioral characteristics of your acquaintances to determine if they are trustworthy or not.
« Last Edit: May 04, 2017, 05:44:43 pm by AGelbert »
He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. Matt 10:37

William Hunter Duncan

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Re: Mechanisms of Prejudice: Hidden and Not Hidden
« Reply #6 on: November 19, 2013, 09:28:23 pm »
Rumplestiltskin must have been quite a happy fellow!   

Does a Person’s Name Impact Happiness?

A person’s name might affect his or her happiness, because people who have rare names report higher levels of happiness than those with more common names, research shows. Researchers believe this could be the result of humans’ subconscious desire to be considered unique from others. Research also reveals that people who have common names are likely to rate their names as being more rare than they actually are, a psychology term referred to as the false uniqueness effect.  ;D

More about the impact of names:

•About 20% of parents reported regretting their children’s names, according to one 2013 British study. Common reasons were the difficulty other people had spelling the name or that it was too unusual.

•Boys who have been given names that are traditionally associated with girls have been found to be at a higher risk of disciplinary problems during adolescence,  :o which is thought to be because of self-consciousness from being teased about their names.

•A person who has high self-esteem is more likely to prefer words that contain the same letters as his or her name, especially words that include the first letter of the name.  ;)

Agelbert NOTE: Why is this here? Because arrogant individuals often have very high (and totally unjustified) self esteem. These people are NOT trustworthy. Their main prejudice is that they lack humility and honestly believe they are more valuable to society than anyone around them. consequently, if the situation is them or you for survival, they will ALWAYS decide for THEM.

Altruism does not exist in these people but they can put on quite a show. The last tidbit from Wisegeek will help you pick up on whether a person has gone overboard in the self esteem department if they happen to be good at disguising their arrogance.

As always, this is just one factor and you need to weigh carefully many other behavioral characteristics of your aquiantances to determine if they are trustworthy or not.


Mehopes you weigh behavioral characteristics before you make judgements.

William Hunter Duncan


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Re: Mechanisms of Prejudice: Hidden and Not Hidden
« Reply #7 on: November 20, 2013, 11:55:06 pm »
Absolutely!  ;D
He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. Matt 10:37


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Re: Mechanisms of Prejudice: Hidden and Not Hidden
« Reply #8 on: January 05, 2014, 08:42:14 pm »
The role of rationalization in justifying criminal behavior as "okay"
« Last Edit: May 04, 2017, 05:51:54 pm by AGelbert »
He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. Matt 10:37


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Re: Mechanisms of Prejudice: Hidden and Not Hidden
« Reply #9 on: February 15, 2014, 04:26:52 pm »
Conservative Libertarian Senator Prudentius Windy is all in a lather over the horrendous waste of taxpayer dollars in gated communities:

"How is it possible that these PEOPLE that live in these gated communities at taxpayer expense are allowed to live there free?". Our country needs to be responsible and have a balanced budget when military expenses are not the issue! These freeloaders need to be sent out to work on environmental cleanups and other worthy projects for the good of the gated communities and America!. They will learn discipline and responsibility that they don't seem capable of obtaining in their family units due to the lack of values central to REAL Americans. We may never be able to get them to talk English properly but we CAN make them stop mooching from the good people of the USA!".

Gated Community

Secure facilities paid by taxpayers. No worries about crime of any sort. Patrolled 24/7 at no expense to those housed. Free food too! It's an OUTRAGE!

Freeloaders loafing in gated community

Stop these FREELOADERS! Make them work for their privileged gate community life even if we can't EVER expect them to talk like REAL Americans!

Note: Photo of evil FREELOADER was picked at random without regard to race, color, creed, nationality, sex, pimples, ugliness or general appearance. We pick photos in a totally impartial fashion.  

This news is brought to you by the lobby for private corporate for profit security facilities and the KKK Libertarians.     
« Last Edit: May 04, 2017, 05:59:19 pm by AGelbert »
He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. Matt 10:37


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California town shaken as police officers arrested

The misgivings had been building for some time. Investigators heard people — many unable to speak English — complain that police were taking their cars and money, and there was nothing they could do about it.

"I'm not at all surprised by the arrests, I'm just surprised there weren't more charges," restaurateur Vivian Villa said Wednesday in Spanish while sizzling a pan of beef in preparation for the lunch rush. "Now maybe some of them are going to feel what we feel when they target us."

Later in the day, Villa held a meeting in her little restaurant where about a dozen community members spoke out against police abuse and corruption.

Latinos account for nearly 90 percent of the community of 13,000 people tucked among fields of tomatoes, strawberries and lettuce along the Salinas River, 150 miles southeast of San Francisco.

Farm mechanics Francisco Mendez and Alfonso Perez, stopping at a taco stand before heading into work, both described being stopped frequently by police for having tinted windows or broken tail lights.

"It seems like they just want a reason to pull you over," Mendez said.

Tuesday's arrests, which also included a former police chief, came after a six-month probe of the police department launched in September when a visiting investigator — there to check out a homicide — heard from numerous sources that the community didn't trust its police department.

By this week, authorities said they had enough evidence to arrest a total of six people linked to the department for a variety of crimes ranging from bribery to making criminal threats. They were all quickly released on bail.

"Ordinary citizens, again and again, told us they didn't trust the police," said acting chief assistant Monterey County District Attorney Terry Spitz. "There are more investigations underway."

Tow shop owner Brian Miller, his brother acting police chief Bruce Miller and Sgt. Bobby Carillo were scheduled to be arraigned Monday on bribery charges after authorities said vehicles impounded from Hispanic immigrants were funneled to the tow yard then sold or given away.

Prosecutors said an undetermined number of vehicles were sold or given away for free when the owners couldn't pay fees to reclaim them. Two people at Miller's Towing in King City refused comment.

Former Chief Dominic David Baldiviez and Mario Alonso Mottu Sr. were set to be arraigned March 6 for embezzlement of a city-owned Crown Victoria. Officer Jaime Andrade, accused of possession of an assault weapon and illegal storage of a firearm, and officer Mark Allen Baker, accused of making criminal threats, are also slated for a March 6 arraignment.

Bruce Miller said the charges were baseless, and his family had received death threats since prosecutors disclosed details of the case. Messages for Baldiviez and Brian Miller were not immediately returned. A man who answered the phone at a listing for Baker hung up when asked about the case.

Andrade said he had not obtained an attorney. He said hopefully, the truth would come out soon and "things will be cleared up."

City Manager Michael Powers said all but Mottu had been placed on paid leave during the investigation prior to their arrests, and that he hopes to announce a new, interim police chief on Thursday.

Fixing King City's sense of well-being is a bigger challenge.

"Obviously no one should be targeted because of race, but recent immigrants are at something of a disadvantage," Powers said. "They already fear the police. It makes them easy prey."

Powers said a community meeting would be held in two weeks to try to resolve concerns of angry citizens and those worried about the depleted police force, where 10 of the 17 sworn positions were held by Latinos.

State Sen. Bill Monning, whose district includes King City, said he was "incensed and outraged," and thanked the FBI and local authorities for their ongoing pressure.

"While I hope this is an isolated incident, I fear it is not," he said. "There continues to be situations throughout the state where the immigrant workforce is subjugated to tyranny of those abusing their authority."

County Supervisor Simon Salinas said it's going to take community oriented policing to get the town to trust authorities again.

"It's certainly going to be a black eye for King City," Salinas said.

Complaints of misconduct have been raised during the past few years in this historic, agricultural city where John Steinbeck's father settled in 1890s and met his wife. With wide streets, historic buildings and old oaks, parts of the city haven't changed much since Steinbeck wrote of King City in parts of Mice and Men and To a God Unknown.

But some said they are now afraid in the city.

"I'm not sure who is taking care of the town," said San Lorenzo Liquors store owner Myukng Hong who reopened Wednesday after closing early the night before after learning of the arrests.

At Leyva's Tow Yard, which police often bypassed with impounded cars, George Oliveros said many people in the community were aware of the investigation for months.

"In King City, a lot of people really try to stay away from the police," he said. "Cops aren't really helping the people, they focus on helping themselves."


He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. Matt 10:37


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The following thread was taken from this article (http://grist.org/politics/obama-has-a-good-transportation-plan-now-we-just-need-to-raise-the-gas-tax-so-he-can-pay-for-it/#comment-1267522241). I disagree with the premise of the article on how to generate funds to improve our infrastructure in order to make us a sustainable society.

I think the solution is to eliminate the gas tax altogether and slap a 0.1% transaction tax on all Wall Street stock sales. Billions would be generated continuously, gaming the stocks with thousands of computer generated buys and sells would stop and, without the price manipulation, assets would be priced in a realistic manner. THEN we could get serious about overhauling ALL of our infrastructure.

We need fossil fuels or the taxes they generate like a hole in the head.

Don't Believe the Dirty Lie

SticksInMyCraw > agelbert 

The financial transactions tax is such a sensible idea, I don't know why it doesn't get any traction here in the United States. Didn't the UK just adopt a stock-transactions tax?

In any case, I know it is attracting serious attention throughout Europe. A modest transactions tax would have minimal impact on regular folks like you and me and our 401k's. But -- as you point out -- it would slow down and/or shift some tax burden onto the computerized high frequency stock trading that adds absolutely no value to the U.S. economy.
agelbert > SticksInMyCraw 
Our Senators, Congressmen, the White House AND the Supreme Court get hard of hearing when someone mentions taxing Wall Street. Of course we know who they work for (It is definitely NOT we-the-people).

Even my Senators and my Rep in Vermont (who favored this tax about 5 years ago) have gone silent on it.

On the plus side, more people are talking about it and a tax Wall Street party actually exists now and made the ballot (but lost the election) in New York recently.

It's the only logical solution to our fiscal problems. But the 1% get the heeby jeebies just thinking about it!

Thanks for talking it up; the more people know about this no-brainer, the better chance we have of making our government enact it.

SticksInMyCraw > agelbert
Here you have it: The European Parliament approved such a tax last summer:
agelbert > SticksInMyCraw  
The Europeans have more sense than we do.

Taxes should be based on use, why the per gallon tax is workable the more you use the road the more you pay, and if you want to save taxes you pay, get a fuel efficient car you pay less and pollute less. In a small town, unless you live in a food desert, you will drive less to find a supermarket than in most cities, and you should have a farmers market near by ,so why would you drive to the city for anything but the night life.If you live farther than that out in the country you are probably raising at least some of your own food. Also , yes purple people should pay less in taxes and blue people should pay more.
agelbert > dreamweaverdory 
Taxes based on use is regressive taxation and fosters inequality and strife. Taxes should be progressive and based on net worth and income from all sources (including capital gains).

The present structure polarizes the population. That is wrong.

We want a tax structure that benefits the country as a whole, not just the richest.

dreamweaverdory > agelbert
if we all paid one tax, not a bunch of different ones, i would agree with you. The idea that if you tax the user for polluting resources by the amount they use will help control use and maybe help undo/clean up said pollution. The poor are not the ones gobbling up resources, but they should be responsible for what they use.
agelbert > dreamweaverdory 
"The poor are not the ones gobbling up resources, but they should be responsible for what they use."

Well, that is exactly my point. The poor are, not only responsible for what they use but are being forced to shoulder the cost and responsibility of what they don't use (i.e. the top 20% piggies!).

And you want to level the piggy playing field by pounding on the victims of massive pollution and resource explotation first?

That is, not just illogical (because it doesn't address the heart of the problem), it's immoral, vindictive, buck passing and irrational too.

I don't mean to sound so harsh but you really need to understand how this works in human power structures. Watch this, somewhat slow at first (jump ahead to the 28 minute mark to) where the Survival International Director explains where our so-called "Conservation of Nature" concept came from. No, it has nothing to do with conserving the biosphere and everything to do with throwing natives off their land (first, the poor come later) and then using said lands for resource explotation while setting aside a small portion as "nature preserves" that the resource raping goons use as pristine "natural" areas they can hunt wild animals in to their corrupt hearts' content.

These very same bastards will turn around and defend conservation efforts and wail and moan about how the people of the world are despoiling nature and more areas need to be "conserved" (for the rich to hunt and play in, of course).

It's a long and sordid story. Can you handle it? We liberals have been manipulated big time by the rich for their benefit and the detriment of the rest of humanity.

Date: Friday, February 28
Time: 5pm Pacific Standard Time (1am GMT on Saturday, March 1)

Survival Director Stephen Corry is giving a hard-hitting talk on the impact of conservation on tribes worldwide at the University of Oregon's Public Interest Environmental Law Conference.

Explaining the role of ‘conservation’ in the ongoing destruction of tribal peoples, he will explore how conservation theories grew with ‘scientific’ racism, which underpinned colonial genocides and the Holocaust.

He will demonstrate that contemporary claims that tribal and indigenous peoples are ‘like our ancestors’, and ‘more violent’ than us, are no less spurious, and that they too damage the people they purport to describe.

'First we were dispossessed in the name of kings and emperors,
later in the name of state development,
and now in the name of conservation.'
Indigenous Peoples' Forum
« Last Edit: May 04, 2017, 06:23:04 pm by AGelbert »
He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. Matt 10:37


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Re: Mechanisms of Prejudice: Hidden and Not Hidden
« Reply #12 on: April 28, 2014, 04:15:35 pm »
So where is the outrage against affirmative action for white people?  ???  >:(

Laurence Lewis

Vivian Malone registers at the University of Alabama, accompanied by U.S. Deputy Attorney General Nicholas Katzenbach and federal marshals


Affirmative Action continues to be under attack, and the Supreme Court's Schuette decision was no surprise. But if it is a moral and perhaps legal outrage for colleges and universities to give admissions preference to specific demographic groups, why aren't the ostensibly principled warriors against Affirmative Action also fighting against legacy admissions? (Agelbert NOTE: Whitey Bigot REACTION --->     Paul Waldman explains:

Meanwhile, the preferences whites enjoy remain firmly in place. There have yet to be any successful laws or ballot initiatives to ban “legacy admissions,” in which applicants who had a relative who attended the university are given special preference. No one can come up with rational grounds for retaining this affirmative action for wealthy white people, yet universities all across the country do. And there are other only slightly less blatant forms of favoritism; for instance, the reliance on standardized test scores provides a boost for wealthy students, most of them white, whose parents can afford expensive test prep courses and tutoring. Again, no serious person contends that SATs or ACTs are a pure measure of “merit,” yet they continue to play a huge role in college admissions.

Legacy admissions are blatantly racist, because at many American colleges and universities, minority admissions were prohibited or restricted until at least the latter half of the 20th century. Generations of white families established legacies at those colleges and universities, while minority families couldn't. The continued favoritism granted those often growing legacy families necessarily perpetuates the legacy of racism from the era of explicit minority exclusion. But about this form of affirmative action, those white supposed champions of equal opportunity are curiously silent. Perhaps they're not really concerned with fairness, perhaps they're really most concerned with protecting their historical privileges. Perhaps they fear that if admissions standards were truly fair and unbiased, they wouldn't be able to compete.

« Last Edit: May 04, 2017, 06:23:40 pm by AGelbert »
He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. Matt 10:37


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Re: Mechanisms of Prejudice: Hidden and Not Hidden
« Reply #13 on: April 30, 2014, 04:04:57 pm »
He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. Matt 10:37


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He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. Matt 10:37


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